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Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:55 pm

NAME New-NitroSession


The new-nitrosession command establishes a session with the NetScaler.


New-NitroSession [-UserName] <string> [-Password] <string> [-NSIP] <string> [[-HTTPS] <bool>] [-Secure

<SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

New-NitroSession [-credential] <PSCredential> [-NSIP] <string> [[-HTTPS] <bool>] [-Secure <SwitchParameter>]



The new-nitrosession is used to connect and authenticate with a NetScaler. It requires a username, password, NSIP,

as well as specifying whether you are connecting using HTTP or HTTPS. It returns a nitro_service object which is

the input for all other commands.


-UserName <string>

Required? true

Position? 0

Default value

Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Password <string>

Required? true

Position? 1

Default value

Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-credential <PSCredential>

The credential parameter allows the use of a PSCredential object rather than a username, password pair.

Required? true

Position? 2

Default value

Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-NSIP <string>

The NSIP parameter specifies the destination IP adddress. This is usually the NSIP, however can be a SNIP

provided it has management access enabled

Required? true

Position? 3

Default value

Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-HTTPS <bool>

The HTTPS parameter specifies whether HTTPS is used to connect. Defaults to HTTP. This parameter is optional.

Required? false

Position? 4

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Secure <SwitchParameter>

Alternative to using -HTTPS:$true. This parameter enables a connection over HTTPS

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).





The credential parameter allows the use of a PSCredential object rather than a username, password pair.


The NSIP parameter specifies the destination IP adddress. This is usually the NSIP, however can be a SNIP

provided it has management access enabled


The HTTPS parameter specifies whether HTTPS is used to connect. Defaults to HTTP. This parameter is optional.



---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------

$session = new-nitrosession -username "citrix" -password "citrix123" -nsip "" -https $true

Create a nitro session and store the output in a variable.