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Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:42 pm

NAME Set-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy


Updates an existing backup policy.


Set-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy [-DeviceName] <String> [-BackupPolicyId] <String> [-BackupPolicyName] <String> [[-BackupSchedulesToAdd]

<PSObject[]>] [[-BackupSchedulesToUpdate] <PSObject[]>] [[-BackupScheduleIdsToDelete] <PSObject[]>] [[-VolumeIdsToUpdate] <PSObject[]>]

[[-WaitForComplete]] [[-NewName] <System.String>] [-Profile <Microsoft.Azure.Common.Authentication.Models.AzureProfile>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Set-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy cmdlet updates an existing backup policy. You can rename the policy, add, update or delete schedules, and

update the volumes associated with the policy.


-BackupPolicyId <String>

Specifies the instance ID of the BackupPolicy object to update.

Required? true

Position? 2

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-BackupPolicyName <String>

Specifies a new name for the backup policy.

Required? true

Position? 3

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-BackupScheduleIdsToDelete [<PSObject[]>]

Specifies an array of instance IDs of BackupSchedule objects to delete.

Required? false

Position? 6

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-BackupSchedulesToAdd [<PSObject[]>]

Specifies an array of BackupScheduleBase objects to add to the policy. To obtain a BackupScheduleBase object, use the

New-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupScheduleAddConfig cmdlet.

Required? false

Position? 4

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-BackupSchedulesToUpdate [<PSObject[]>]

Specifies an array of BackupScheduleUpdateRequest objects to update. To obtain a BackupScheduleUpdateRequest object, use the

New-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupScheduleUpdateConfig cmdlet.

Required? false

Position? 5

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-DeviceName <String>

Specifies the name of the StorSimple device for which to update the backup policy.

Required? true

Position? 1

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-NewName [<System.String>]

Specifies a name for the device.

Required? false

Position? 9

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Profile [<Microsoft.Azure.Common.Authentication.Models.AzureProfile>]

Specifies an Azure profile.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-VolumeIdsToUpdate [<PSObject[]>]

Specifies an array of IDs of volumes for which to update backup policies.

Required? false

Position? 7

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-WaitForComplete [<SwitchParameter>]

Indicates that this cmdlet waits for the operation to complete before it returns control to the Windows PowerShell????????? console.

Required? false

Position? 8

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).




TaskStatusInfo, TaskResponse

This cmdlet returns a TaskStatusInfo object if you specify the WaitForComplete parameter. If you do not specify that parameter, it returns a

TaskResponse object.


Keywords: azure, azuresm, servicemanagement, management, service, store, storsimple

Example 1: Change the name of a backup policy

PS C:\\>Set-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -BackupPolicyId "e6d9f1b3-a250-4d57-966a-039c8eaef9e9" -BackupPolicyName

"UpdatedGeneralPolicy07" -WaitForComplete

VERBOSE: ClientRequestId: f4465b46-26cc-40ff-88da-7a28df88c35c_PS

VERBOSE: ClientRequestId: 5e33a35c-e089-47c1-b760-474635b1ead8_PS

VERBOSE: About to run a task to update your backuppolicy!

VERBOSE: ClientRequestId: e379ebdb-667f-45a9-aafa-a6cd61e5f6f6_PS

JobId : 9d621bfd-3faa-4d1c-b28b-45c5f4a96975

JobResult : Succeeded

JobStatus : Completed

ErrorCode :

ErrorMessage :

JobSteps : {Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.StorSimple.Models.TaskStep}

VERBOSE: The job created for your update operation has completed successfully.

VERBOSE: ClientRequestId: 4fe965ea-4e12-4869-9d67-e42a24b6c5d8_PS

BackupSchedules : {58e9cd7c-4c6a-4e33-9109-5ec0b8fcb2cc, b10e1bf4-ef0a-4ad3-8fde-eecfc9971dd2}

Volumes : {testvolume03}

BackupPolicyCreationType : BySaaS

LastBackup : 12/16/2014 2:13:28 PM

NextBackup : 12/16/2014 3:13:43 PM

SchedulesCount : 2

SSMHostName :

VolumesCount : 1

InstanceId : e6d9f1b3-a250-4d57-966a-039c8eaef9e9

Name : UpdatedGeneralPolicy07

OperationInProgress : None

This command changes the name of the backup policy that has the specified ID to UpdatedGeneralPolicy07. This command specifies the WaitForComplete

parameter, so the command completes the task, and then returns a TaskStatusInfo object for the task.

Example 2: Update the schedule for a backup policy

PS C:\\>$UpdateConfig = New-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupScheduleUpdateConfig -Id "3a6c6247-6b4d-42e2-aa87-16f4f21476ea" -BackupType CloudSnapshot

-RecurrenceType Daily -RecurrenceValue 3 -RetentionCount 2 -Enabled $True

PS C:\\> $UpdateArray = @()

PS C:\\> $UpdateArray += $UpdateConfig

PS C:\\> Set-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupPolicy -DeviceName "Contoso63-AppVm" -BackupPolicyId "712605f6-eb03-4db8-8f79-e0ce64b2cce1"

-BackupSchedulesToUpdate $UpdateArray

Error : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.StorSimple.Models.ErrorDetails

JobId : 7b265417-a5f1-45ad-8fbc-33bad4f63ec9

JobSteps : {Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.StorSimple.Models.JobStep,




Result : Succeeded

Status : Completed

TaskResult : Succeeded

StatusCode : OK

RequestId : d2e10d44e699b371a84db44d19daf1c3

The first command creates an update configuration object by using the New-AzureStorSimpleDeviceBackupScheduleUpdateConfig cmdlet, and then stores it in

the $UpdateConfig variable.

The second command creates a new array variable, named $UpdateArray. The next command adds the update stored in $UpdateConfig to that array. You can add

more than one update to the array.

The final command updates the backup policy that has the specified ID on the device named Contoso63-AppVm. The policy now has the updated schedule

stored in $UpdateArray.




