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NAME Get-DbaSpn
Returns a list of set service principal names for a given computer/AD account
Get-DbaSpn [[-ComputerName] <System.String[]>] [[-AccountName] <System.String[]>] [[-Credential] <Pscredential>]
[-EnableException <Switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get a list of set SPNs. SPNs are set at the AD account level. You can either retrieve set SPNs for a computer, or
any SPNs set for
a given active directory account. You can query one, or both. You'll get a list of every SPN found for either
search term.
-AccountName [<System.String[]>]
The accounts you want to retrieve set SPNs for.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
-ComputerName [<System.String[]>]
The servers you want to return set SPNs for. This is defaulted automatically to localhost.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
-Credential [<Pscredential>]
User credential to connect to the remote servers or active directory.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
-EnableException [<Switch>]
By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables
advanced scripting.
Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
Tags: SPN
Author: Drew Furgiuele (@pittfurg), http://www.port1433.com
Website: https://dbatools.io
Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT
License: MIT https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:\\>Get-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA -Credential ad\\sqldba
Returns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:\\>Get-DbaSpn -AccountName domain\\account -Credential ad\\sqldba
Returns a custom object with SearchTerm (domain account) and the SPNs that were found
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:\\>Get-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA,SQLSERVERB -Credential ad\\sqldba
Returns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found for multiple computers
Returns a list of set service principal names for a given computer/AD account
Get-DbaSpn [[-ComputerName] <System.String[]>] [[-AccountName] <System.String[]>] [[-Credential] <Pscredential>]
[-EnableException <Switch>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get a list of set SPNs. SPNs are set at the AD account level. You can either retrieve set SPNs for a computer, or
any SPNs set for
a given active directory account. You can query one, or both. You'll get a list of every SPN found for either
search term.
-AccountName [<System.String[]>]
The accounts you want to retrieve set SPNs for.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
-ComputerName [<System.String[]>]
The servers you want to return set SPNs for. This is defaulted automatically to localhost.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
-Credential [<Pscredential>]
User credential to connect to the remote servers or active directory.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
-EnableException [<Switch>]
By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables
advanced scripting.
Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
Tags: SPN
Author: Drew Furgiuele (@pittfurg), http://www.port1433.com
Website: https://dbatools.io
Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT
License: MIT https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS C:\\>Get-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA -Credential ad\\sqldba
Returns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS C:\\>Get-DbaSpn -AccountName domain\\account -Credential ad\\sqldba
Returns a custom object with SearchTerm (domain account) and the SPNs that were found
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS C:\\>Get-DbaSpn -ComputerName SQLSERVERA,SQLSERVERB -Credential ad\\sqldba
Returns a custom object with SearchTerm (ServerName) and the SPNs that were found for multiple computers