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Index of functions

Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:37 pm

Function Description
ABSMath and trigonometry:    Returns the absolute value of a number
ACCRINTFinancial:    Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest
ACCRINTMFinancial:    Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity
ACOSMath and trigonometry:    Returns the arccosine of a number
ACOSHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
ACOTMath and trigonometry:    Returns the arccotangent of a number
ACOTHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the hyperbolic arccotangent of a number
AGGREGATEMath and trigonometry:    Returns an aggregate in a list or database
ADDRESSLookup and reference:    Returns a reference as text to a single cell in a worksheet
AMORDEGRCFinancial:    Returns the depreciation for each accounting period by using a depreciation coefficient
AMORLINCFinancial:    Returns the depreciation for each accounting period
ANDLogical:    Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE
ARABICMath and trigonometry:    Converts a Roman number to Arabic, as a number
AREASLookup and reference:    Returns the number of areas in a reference
ASCText:    Changes full-width (double-byte) English letters or katakana within a character string to half-width (single-byte) characters
ASINMath and trigonometry:    Returns the arcsine of a number
ASINHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
ATANMath and trigonometry:    Returns the arctangent of a number
ATAN2Math and trigonometry:    Returns the arctangent from x- and y-coordinates
ATANHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number
AVEDEVStatistical:    Returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean
AVERAGEStatistical:    Returns the average of its arguments
AVERAGEAStatistical:    Returns the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values
AVERAGEIFStatistical:    Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria
AVERAGEIFSStatistical:    Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all cells that meet multiple criteria.
BAHTTEXTText:    Converts a number to text, using the ?? (baht) currency format
BASEMath and trigonometry:    Converts a number into a text representation with the given radix (base)
BESSELIEngineering:    Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)
BESSELJEngineering:    Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)
BESSELKEngineering:    Returns the modified Bessel function Kn(x)
BESSELYEngineering:    Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)
BETADISTCompatibility:    Returns the beta cumulative distribution function
BETA.DISTStatistical:    Returns the beta cumulative distribution function
BETAINVCompatibility:    Returns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for a specified beta distribution
BETA.INVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for a specified beta distribution
BIN2DECEngineering:    Converts a binary number to decimal
BIN2HEXEngineering:    Converts a binary number to hexadecimal
BIN2OCTEngineering:    Converts a binary number to octal
BINOMDISTCompatibility:    Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability
BINOM.DISTStatistical:    Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability
BINOM.DIST.RANGEStatistical:    Returns the probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution
BINOM.INVStatistical:    Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value
BITANDEngineering:    Returns a 'Bitwise And' of two numbers
BITLSHIFTEngineering:    Returns a value number shifted left by shift_amount bits
BITOREngineering:    Returns a bitwise OR of 2 numbers
BITRSHIFTEngineering:    Returns a value number shifted right by shift_amount bits
BITXOREngineering:    Returns a bitwise 'Exclusive Or' of two numbers
CALLAdd-in and Automation:    Calls a procedure in a dynamic link library or code resource
CEILINGMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
CEILING.MATHMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
CEILING.PRECISEMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. Regardless of the sign of the number, the number is rounded up.
CELLInformation:    Returns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell
CHARText:    Returns the character specified by the code number
CHIDISTCompatibility:    Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution
CHIINVCompatibility:    Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution
CHITESTCompatibility:    Returns the test for independence
CHISQ.DISTStatistical:    Returns the cumulative beta probability density function
CHISQ.DIST.RTStatistical:    Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution
CHISQ.INVStatistical:    Returns the cumulative beta probability density function
CHISQ.INV.RTStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution
CHISQ.TESTStatistical:    Returns the test for independence
CHOOSELookup and reference:    Chooses a value from a list of values
CLEANText:    Removes all nonprintable characters from text
CODEText:    Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string
COLUMNLookup and reference:    Returns the column number of a reference
COLUMNSLookup and reference:    Returns the number of columns in a reference
COMBINMath and trigonometry:    Returns the number of combinations for a given number of objects
COMBINAMath and trigonometry:   
COMPLEXEngineering:    Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number
CONCATText:    Combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, but it doesn't provide the delimiter or IgnoreEmpty arguments.
CONCATENATEText:    Joins several text items into one text item
CONFIDENCECompatibility:    Returns the confidence interval for a population mean
CONFIDENCE.NORMStatistical:    Returns the confidence interval for a population mean
CONFIDENCE.TStatistical:    Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a Student's t distribution
CONVERTEngineering:    Converts a number from one measurement system to another
CORRELStatistical:    Returns the correlation coefficient between two data sets
COSMath and trigonometry:    Returns the cosine of a number
COSHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number
COTMath and trigonometry:    Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number
COTHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the cotangent of an angle
COUNTStatistical:    Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments
COUNTAStatistical:    Counts how many values are in the list of arguments
COUNTBLANKStatistical:    Counts the number of blank cells within a range
COUNTIFStatistical:    Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria
COUNTIFSStatistical:    Counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria
COUPDAYBSFinancial:    Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date
COUPDAYSFinancial:    Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date
COUPDAYSNCFinancial:    Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date
COUPNCDFinancial:    Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date
COUPNUMFinancial:    Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date
COUPPCDFinancial:    Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date
COVARCompatibility:    Returns covariance, the average of the products of paired deviations
COVARIANCE.PStatistical:    Returns covariance, the average of the products of paired deviations
COVARIANCE.SStatistical:    Returns the sample covariance, the average of the products deviations for each data point pair in two data sets
CRITBINOMCompatibility:    Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value
CSCMath and trigonometry:    Returns the cosecant of an angle
CSCHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle
CUBEKPIMEMBERCube:    Returns a key performance indicator (KPI) name, property, and measure, and displays the name and property in the cell. A KPI is a quantifiable measurement, such as monthly gross profit or quarterly employee turnover, used to monitor an organization's performance.
CUBEMEMBERCube:    Returns a member or tuple in a cube hierarchy. Use to validate that the member or tuple exists in the cube.
CUBEMEMBERPROPERTYCube:    Returns the value of a member property in the cube. Use to validate that a member name exists within the cube and to return the specified property for this member.
CUBERANKEDMEMBERCube:    Returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set. Use to return one or more elements in a set, such as the top sales performer or top 10 students.
CUBESETCube:    Defines a calculated set of members or tuples by sending a set expression to the cube on the server, which creates the set, and then returns that set to Microsoft Office Excel.
CUBESETCOUNTCube:    Returns the number of items in a set.
CUBEVALUECube:    Returns an aggregated value from a cube.
CUMIPMTFinancial:    Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods
CUMPRINCFinancial:    Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between two periods
DATEDate and time:    Returns the serial number of a particular date
DATEDIFDate and time:    Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. This function is useful in formulas where you need to calculate an age.
DATEVALUEDate and time:    Converts a date in the form of text to a serial number
DAVERAGEDatabase:    Returns the average of selected database entries
DAYDate and time:    Converts a serial number to a day of the month
DAYSDate and time:    Returns the number of days between two dates
DAYS360Date and time:    Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year
DBFinancial:    Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period by using the fixed-declining balance method
DBCSText:    Changes half-width (single-byte) English letters or katakana within a character string to full-width (double-byte) characters
DCOUNTDatabase:    Counts the cells that contain numbers in a database
DCOUNTADatabase:    Counts nonblank cells in a database
DDBFinancial:    Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period by using the double-declining balance method or some other method that you specify
DEC2BINEngineering:    Converts a decimal number to binary
DEC2HEXEngineering:    Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal
DEC2OCTEngineering:    Converts a decimal number to octal
DECIMALMath and trigonometry:    Converts a text representation of a number in a given base into a decimal number
DEGREESMath and trigonometry:    Converts radians to degrees
DELTAEngineering:    Tests whether two values are equal
DEVSQStatistical:    Returns the sum of squares of deviations
DGETDatabase:    Extracts from a database a single record that matches the specified criteria
DISCFinancial:    Returns the discount rate for a security
DMAXDatabase:    Returns the maximum value from selected database entries
DMINDatabase:    Returns the minimum value from selected database entries
DOLLARText:    Converts a number to text, using the $ (dollar) currency format
DOLLARDEFinancial:    Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number
DOLLARFRFinancial:    Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction
DPRODUCTDatabase:    Multiplies the values in a particular field of records that match the criteria in a database
DSTDEVDatabase:    Estimates the standard deviation based on a sample of selected database entries
DSTDEVPDatabase:    Calculates the standard deviation based on the entire population of selected database entries
DSUMDatabase:    Adds the numbers in the field column of records in the database that match the criteria
DURATIONFinancial:    Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments
DVARDatabase:    Estimates variance based on a sample from selected database entries
DVARPDatabase:    Calculates variance based on the entire population of selected database entries
EDATEDate and time:    Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date
EFFECTFinancial:    Returns the effective annual interest rate
ENCODEURLWeb:    Returns a URL-encoded string
EOMONTHDate and time:    Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months
ERFEngineering:    Returns the error function
ERF.PRECISEEngineering:    Returns the error function
ERFCEngineering:    Returns the complementary error function
ERFC.PRECISEEngineering:    Returns the complementary ERF function integrated between x and infinity
ERROR.TYPEInformation:    Returns a number corresponding to an error type
EUROCONVERTAdd-in and Automation:    Converts a number to euros, converts a number from euros to a euro member currency, or converts a number from one euro member currency to another by using the euro as an intermediary (triangulation).
EVENMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer
EXACTText:    Checks to see if two text values are identical
EXPMath and trigonometry:    Returns e raised to the power of a given number
EXPON.DISTStatistical:    Returns the exponential distribution
EXPONDISTCompatibility:    Returns the exponential distribution
FACTMath and trigonometry:    Returns the factorial of a number
FACTDOUBLEMath and trigonometry:    Returns the double factorial of a number
FALSELogical:    Returns the logical value FALSE
F.DISTStatistical:    Returns the F probability distribution
FDISTCompatibility:    Returns the F probability distribution
F.DIST.RTStatistical:    Returns the F probability distribution
FILTERLookup and reference:    Filters a range of data based on criteria you define
FILTERXMLWeb:    Returns specific data from the XML content by using the specified XPath
FIND,Text:    Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive)
F.INVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution
F.INV.RTStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution
FINVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution
FISHERStatistical:    Returns the Fisher transformation
FISHERINVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation
FIXEDText:    Formats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals
FLOORCompatibility:    Rounds a number down, toward zero
FLOOR.MATHMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number down, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
FLOOR.PRECISEMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. Regardless of the sign of the number, the number is rounded up.
FORECASTStatistical:    Returns a value along a linear trend
FORECAST.ETSStatistical:    Returns a future value based on existing (historical) values by using the AAA version of the Exponential Smoothing (ETS) algorithm
FORECAST.ETS.CONFINTStatistical:    Returns a confidence interval for the forecast value at the specified target date
FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITYStatistical:    Returns the length of the repetitive pattern Excel detects for the specified time series
FORECAST.ETS.STATStatistical:    Returns a statistical value as a result of time series forecasting
FORECAST.LINEARStatistical:    Returns a future value based on existing values
FORMULATEXTLookup and reference:    Returns the formula at the given reference as text
FREQUENCYStatistical:    Returns a frequency distribution as a vertical array
F.TESTStatistical:    Returns the result of an F-test
FTESTCompatibility:    Returns the result of an F-test
FVFinancial:    Returns the future value of an investment
FVSCHEDULEFinancial:    Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates
GAMMAStatistical:    Returns the Gamma function value
GAMMA.DISTStatistical:    Returns the gamma distribution
GAMMADISTCompatibility:    Returns the gamma distribution
GAMMA.INVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution
GAMMAINVCompatibility:    Returns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution
GAMMALNStatistical:    Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, ??(x)
GAMMALN.PRECISEStatistical:    Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, ??(x)
GAUSSStatistical:    Returns 0.5 less than the standard normal cumulative distribution
GCDMath and trigonometry:    Returns the greatest common divisor
GEOMEANStatistical:    Returns the geometric mean
GESTEPEngineering:    Tests whether a number is greater than a threshold value
GETPIVOTDATALookup and reference:    Returns data stored in a PivotTable report
GROWTHStatistical:    Returns values along an exponential trend
HARMEANStatistical:    Returns the harmonic mean
HEX2BINEngineering:    Converts a hexadecimal number to binary
HEX2DECEngineering:    Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal
HEX2OCTEngineering:    Converts a hexadecimal number to octal
HLOOKUPLookup and reference:    Looks in the top row of an array and returns the value of the indicated cell
HOURDate and time:    Converts a serial number to an hour
HYPERLINKLookup and reference:    Creates a shortcut or jump that opens a document stored on a network server, an intranet, or the Internet
HYPGEOM.DISTStatistical:    Returns the hypergeometric distribution
HYPGEOMDISTCompatibility:    Returns the hypergeometric distribution
IFLogical:    Specifies a logical test to perform
IFERRORLogical:    Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula
IFNALogical:    Returns the value you specify if the expression resolves to #N/A, otherwise returns the result of the expression
IFSLogical:    Checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition.
IMABSEngineering:    Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number
IMAGINARYEngineering:    Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number
IMARGUMENTEngineering:    Returns the argument theta, an angle expressed in radians
IMCONJUGATEEngineering:    Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number
IMCOSEngineering:    Returns the cosine of a complex number
IMCOSHEngineering:    Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number
IMCOTEngineering:    Returns the cotangent of a complex number
IMCSCEngineering:    Returns the cosecant of a complex number
IMCSCHEngineering:    Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number
IMDIVEngineering:    Returns the quotient of two complex numbers
IMEXPEngineering:    Returns the exponential of a complex number
IMLNEngineering:    Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number
IMLOG10Engineering:    Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number
IMLOG2Engineering:    Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number
IMPOWEREngineering:    Returns a complex number raised to an integer power
IMPRODUCTEngineering:    Returns the product of complex numbers
IMREALEngineering:    Returns the real coefficient of a complex number
IMSECEngineering:    Returns the secant of a complex number
IMSECHEngineering:    Returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number
IMSINEngineering:    Returns the sine of a complex number
IMSINHEngineering:    Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number
IMSQRTEngineering:    Returns the square root of a complex number
IMSUBEngineering:    Returns the difference between two complex numbers
IMSUMEngineering:    Returns the sum of complex numbers
IMTANEngineering:    Returns the tangent of a complex number
INDEXLookup and reference:    Uses an index to choose a value from a reference or array
INDIRECTLookup and reference:    Returns a reference indicated by a text value
INFOInformation:    Returns information about the current operating environment
INTMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number down to the nearest integer
INTERCEPTStatistical:    Returns the intercept of the linear regression line
INTRATEFinancial:    Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security
IPMTFinancial:    Returns the interest payment for an investment for a given period
IRRFinancial:    Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows
ISBLANKInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is blank
ISERRInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is any error value except #N/A
ISERRORInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is any error value
ISEVENInformation:    Returns TRUE if the number is even
ISFORMULAInformation:    Returns TRUE if there is a reference to a cell that contains a formula
ISLOGICALInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is a logical value
ISNAInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is the #N/A error value
ISNONTEXTInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is not text
ISNUMBERInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is a number
ISODDInformation:    Returns TRUE if the number is odd
ISREFInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is a reference
ISTEXTInformation:    Returns TRUE if the value is text
ISO.CEILINGMath and trigonometry:    Returns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
ISOWEEKNUMDate and time:    Returns the number of the ISO week number of the year for a given date
ISPMTFinancial:    Calculates the interest paid during a specific period of an investment
JISText:   Changes half-width (single-byte) characters within a string to full-width (double-byte) characters
KURTStatistical:    Returns the kurtosis of a data set
LARGEStatistical:    Returns the k-th largest value in a data set
LCMMath and trigonometry:    Returns the least common multiple
LEFT,Text:    Returns the leftmost characters from a text value
LEN,Text:    Returns the number of characters in a text string
LINESTStatistical:    Returns the parameters of a linear trend
LNMath and trigonometry:    Returns the natural logarithm of a number
LOGMath and trigonometry:    Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base
LOG10Math and trigonometry:    Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number
LOGESTStatistical:    Returns the parameters of an exponential trend
LOGINVCompatibility:    Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution
LOGNORM.DISTStatistical:    Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution
LOGNORMDISTCompatibility:    Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution
LOGNORM.INVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution
LOOKUPLookup and reference:    Looks up values in a vector or array
LOWERText:    Converts text to lowercase
MATCHLookup and reference:    Looks up values in a reference or array
MAXStatistical:    Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments
MAXAStatistical:    Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values
MAXIFSStatistical:    Returns the maximum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria
MDETERMMath and trigonometry:    Returns the matrix determinant of an array
MDURATIONFinancial:    Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100
MEDIANStatistical:    Returns the median of the given numbers
MID,Text:    Returns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify
MINStatistical:    Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments
MINIFSStatistical:    Returns the minimum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria.
MINAStatistical:    Returns the smallest value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values
MINUTEDate and time:    Converts a serial number to a minute
MINVERSEMath and trigonometry:    Returns the matrix inverse of an array
MIRRFinancial:    Returns the internal rate of return where positive and negative cash flows are financed at different rates
MMULTMath and trigonometry:    Returns the matrix product of two arrays
MODMath and trigonometry:    Returns the remainder from division
MODECompatibility:    Returns the most common value in a data set
MODE.MULTStatistical:    Returns a vertical array of the most frequently occurring, or repetitive values in an array or range of data
MODE.SNGLStatistical:    Returns the most common value in a data set
MONTHDate and time:    Converts a serial number to a month
MROUNDMath and trigonometry:    Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple
MULTINOMIALMath and trigonometry:    Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers
MUNITMath and trigonometry:    Returns the unit matrix or the specified dimension
NInformation:    Returns a value converted to a number
NAInformation:    Returns the error value #N/A
NEGBINOM.DISTStatistical:    Returns the negative binomial distribution
NEGBINOMDISTCompatibility:    Returns the negative binomial distribution
NETWORKDAYSDate and time:    Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates
NETWORKDAYS.INTLDate and time:    Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days
NOMINALFinancial:    Returns the annual nominal interest rate
NORM.DISTStatistical:    Returns the normal cumulative distribution
NORMDISTCompatibility:    Returns the normal cumulative distribution
NORMINVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution
NORM.INVCompatibility:    Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution
NORM.S.DISTStatistical:    Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution
NORMSDISTCompatibility:    Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution
NORM.S.INVStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution
NORMSINVCompatibility:    Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution
NOTLogical:    Reverses the logic of its argument
NOWDate and time:    Returns the serial number of the current date and time
NPERFinancial:    Returns the number of periods for an investment
NPVFinancial:    Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate
NUMBERVALUEText:    Converts text to number in a locale-independent manner
OCT2BINEngineering:    Converts an octal number to binary
OCT2DECEngineering:    Converts an octal number to decimal
OCT2HEXEngineering:    Converts an octal number to hexadecimal
ODDMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer
ODDFPRICEFinancial:    Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period
ODDFYIELDFinancial:    Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period
ODDLPRICEFinancial:    Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period
ODDLYIELDFinancial:    Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period
OFFSETLookup and reference:    Returns a reference offset from a given reference
ORLogical:    Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
PDURATIONFinancial:    Returns the number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value
PEARSONStatistical:    Returns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
PERCENTILE.EXCStatistical:    Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in the range 0..1, exclusive
PERCENTILE.INCStatistical:    Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range
PERCENTILECompatibility:    Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range
PERCENTRANK.EXCStatistical:    Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage (0..1, exclusive) of the data set
PERCENTRANK.INCStatistical:    Returns the percentage rank of a value in a data set
PERCENTRANKCompatibility:    Returns the percentage rank of a value in a data set
PERMUTStatistical:    Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects
PERMUTATIONAStatistical:    Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects (with repetitions) that can be selected from the total objects
PHIStatistical:    Returns the value of the density function for a standard normal distribution
PHONETICText:    Extracts the phonetic (furigana) characters from a text string
PIMath and trigonometry:    Returns the value of pi
PMTFinancial:    Returns the periodic payment for an annuity
POISSON.DISTStatistical:    Returns the Poisson distribution
POISSONCompatibility:    Returns the Poisson distribution
POWERMath and trigonometry:    Returns the result of a number raised to a power
PPMTFinancial:    Returns the payment on the principal for an investment for a given period
PRICEFinancial:    Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest
PRICEDISCFinancial:    Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security
PRICEMATFinancial:    Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity
PROBStatistical:    Returns the probability that values in a range are between two limits
PRODUCTMath and trigonometry:    Multiplies its arguments
PROPERText:    Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value
PVFinancial:    Returns the present value of an investment
QUARTILECompatibility:    Returns the quartile of a data set
QUARTILE.EXCStatistical:    Returns the quartile of the data set, based on percentile values from 0..1, exclusive
QUARTILE.INCStatistical:    Returns the quartile of a data set
QUOTIENTMath and trigonometry:    Returns the integer portion of a division
RADIANSMath and trigonometry:    Converts degrees to radians
RANDMath and trigonometry:    Returns a random number between 0 and 1
RANDARRAYMath and trigonometry:    Returns an array of random numbers between 0 and 1
RANDBETWEENMath and trigonometry:    Returns a random number between the numbers you specify
RANK.AVGStatistical:    Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers
RANK.EQStatistical:    Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers
RANKCompatibility:    Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers
RATEFinancial:    Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity
RECEIVEDFinancial:    Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security
REGISTER.IDAdd-in and Automation:    Returns the register ID of the specified dynamic link library (DLL) or code resource that has been previously registered
REPLACE,Text:    Replaces characters within text
REPTText:    Repeats text a given number of times
RIGHT,Text:    Returns the rightmost characters from a text value
ROMANMath and trigonometry:    Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text
ROUNDMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number to a specified number of digits
ROUNDDOWNMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number down, toward zero
ROUNDUPMath and trigonometry:    Rounds a number up, away from zero
ROWLookup and reference:    Returns the row number of a reference
ROWSLookup and reference:    Returns the number of rows in a reference
RRIFinancial:    Returns an equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment
RSQStatistical:    Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
RTDLookup and reference:    Retrieves real-time data from a program that supports COM automation
SEARCH,Text:    Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive)
SECMath and trigonometry:    Returns the secant of an angle
SECHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle
SECONDDate and time:    Converts a serial number to a second
SEQUENCEMath and trigonometry:    Generates a list of sequential numbers in an array, such as 1, 2, 3, 4
SERIESSUMMath and trigonometry:    Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula
SHEETInformation:    Returns the sheet number of the referenced sheet
SHEETSInformation:    Returns the number of sheets in a reference
SIGNMath and trigonometry:    Returns the sign of a number
SINMath and trigonometry:    Returns the sine of the given angle
SINGLELookup and reference:    Returns a single value using logic known as implicit intersection
SINHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number
SKEWStatistical:    Returns the skewness of a distribution
SKEW.PStatistical:    Returns the skewness of a distribution based on a population: a characterization of the degree of asymmetry of a distribution around its mean
SLNFinancial:    Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period
SLOPEStatistical:    Returns the slope of the linear regression line
SMALLStatistical:    Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set
SORTLookup and reference:    Sorts the contents of a range or array
SORTBYLookup and reference:    Sorts the contents of a range or array based on the values in a corresponding range or array
SQRTMath and trigonometry:    Returns a positive square root
SQRTPIMath and trigonometry:    Returns the square root of (number * pi)
STANDARDIZEStatistical:    Returns a normalized value
STDEVCompatibility:    Estimates standard deviation based on a sample
STDEV.PStatistical:    Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population
STDEV.SStatistical:    Estimates standard deviation based on a sample
STDEVAStatistical:    Estimates standard deviation based on a sample, including numbers, text, and logical values
STDEVPCompatibility:    Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population
STDEVPAStatistical:    Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values
STEYXStatistical:    Returns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression
SUBSTITUTEText:    Substitutes new text for old text in a text string
SUBTOTALMath and trigonometry:    Returns a subtotal in a list or database
SUMMath and trigonometry:    Adds its arguments
SUMIFMath and trigonometry:    Adds the cells specified by a given criteria
SUMIFSMath and trigonometry:    Adds the cells in a range that meet multiple criteria
SUMPRODUCTMath and trigonometry:    Returns the sum of the products of corresponding array components
SUMSQMath and trigonometry:    Returns the sum of the squares of the arguments
SUMX2MY2Math and trigonometry:    Returns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays
SUMX2PY2Math and trigonometry:    Returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays
SUMXMY2Math and trigonometry:    Returns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays
SWITCHLogical:    Evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value. If there is no match, an optional default value may be returned.
SYDFinancial:    Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period
TText:    Converts its arguments to text
TANMath and trigonometry:    Returns the tangent of a number
TANHMath and trigonometry:    Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number
TBILLEQFinancial:    Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill
TBILLPRICEFinancial:    Returns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill
TBILLYIELDFinancial:    Returns the yield for a Treasury bill
T.DISTStatistical:    Returns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student t-distribution
T.DIST.2TStatistical:    Returns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student t-distribution
T.DIST.RTStatistical:    Returns the Student's t-distribution
TDISTCompatibility:    Returns the Student's t-distribution
TEXTText:    Formats a number and converts it to text
TEXTJOINText:    Combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, and includes a delimiter you specify between each text value that will be combined. If the delimiter is an empty text string, this function will effectively concatenate the ranges.
TIMEDate and time:    Returns the serial number of a particular time
TIMEVALUEDate and time:    Converts a time in the form of text to a serial number
T.INVStatistical:    Returns the t-value of the Student's t-distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom
T.INV.2TStatistical:    Returns the inverse of the Student's t-distribution
TINVCompatibility:    Returns the inverse of the Student's t-distribution
TODAYDate and time:    Returns the serial number of today's date
TRANSPOSELookup and reference:    Returns the transpose of an array
TRENDStatistical:    Returns values along a linear trend
TRIMText:    Removes spaces from text
TRIMMEANStatistical:    Returns the mean of the interior of a data set
TRUELogical:    Returns the logical value TRUE
TRUNCMath and trigonometry:    Truncates a number to an integer
T.TESTStatistical:    Returns the probability associated with a Student's t-test
TTESTCompatibility:    Returns the probability associated with a Student's t-test
TYPEInformation:    Returns a number indicating the data type of a value
UNICHARText:    Returns the Unicode character that is references by the given numeric value
UNICODEText:    Returns the number (code point) that corresponds to the first character of the text
UNIQUELookup and reference:    Returns a list of unique values in a list or range
UPPERText:    Converts text to uppercase
VALUEText:    Converts a text argument to a number
VARCompatibility:    Estimates variance based on a sample
VAR.PStatistical:    Calculates variance based on the entire population
VAR.SStatistical:    Estimates variance based on a sample
VARAStatistical:    Estimates variance based on a sample, including numbers, text, and logical values
VARPCompatibility:    Calculates variance based on the entire population
VARPAStatistical:    Calculates variance based on the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values
VDBFinancial:    Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified or partial period by using a declining balance method
VLOOKUPLookup and reference:    Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell
WEBSERVICEWeb:    Returns data from a web service.
WEEKDAYDate and time:    Converts a serial number to a day of the week
WEEKNUMDate and time:    Converts a serial number to a number representing where the week falls numerically with a year
WEIBULLCompatibility:    Calculates variance based on the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values
WEIBULL.DISTStatistical:    Returns the Weibull distribution
WORKDAYDate and time:    Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays
WORKDAY.INTLDate and time:    Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays using parameters to indicate which and how many days are weekend days
XIRRFinancial:    Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic
XNPVFinancial:    Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic
XORLogical:    Returns a logical exclusive OR of all arguments
YEARDate and time:    Converts a serial number to a year
YEARFRACDate and time:    Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date
YIELDFinancial:    Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest
YIELDDISCFinancial:    Returns the annual yield for a discounted security; for example, a Treasury bill
YIELDMATFinancial:    Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity
Z.TESTStatistical:    Returns the one-tailed probability-value of a z-test
ZTESTCompatibility:    Returns the one-tailed probability-value of a z-test