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Tue Jan 14, 2020 12:36 am

NAME Export-AzureRMDisktoStorageAccount


Export Azure Managed disk to storage account.


Export-AzureRMDisktoStorageAccount -StorageAccountName <Object> -StorageAccountRG <Object> -DiskName <Object>

-DiskRG <Object> [<CommonParameters>]

Export-AzureRMDisktoStorageAccount -StorageAccountName <Object> -StorageAccountRG <Object> -DiskName <Object>

-MDSASuri <Object> [<CommonParameters>]


This cmdlet will export a managed disk within your subscription or a managed disk you have a SAS token for to a

storage account within your subscription.


-StorageAccountName <Object>

The name of the storage account to export managed disk to. Required

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-StorageAccountRG <Object>

The name of Resource group where storage account is. Required

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-DiskName <Object>

The name of the managed disk you want to export. If you are exporting using a SAS token this is still

required. Required

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-DiskRG <Object>

The name of Resource group where the managed disk you want to export is. This is required if you are exporting

a managed disk within your subscription.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-MDSASuri <Object>

SAS token for the managed disk you want to export. This is required if you are exporting a managed disk using

a SAS token.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).




Author : Hannel Hazeley - hhazeley@outlook.com

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

PS C:\\>$sasuri = "https://md-jtvc3rvr31p0.blob.core.windo ... 71d9d60-1d


Export-AzureRMDisktoStorageAccount -StorageAccountName storagedemostr1 -StorageAccountRG StorageDemo -DiskName

testdisk1 -MDSASuri $sasuri

This will export managed disk using SAS token into storage account within your subscription.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS C:\\>Export-AzureRMDisktoStorageAccount -StorageAccountName storagedemostr1 -StorageAccountRG StorageDemo

-DiskName testdisk1 -DiskRG StorageDemo

This will export managed disk within your subscription into storage account within your subscription.


https://github.com/hhazeley/HannelsTool ... ccount.ps1