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Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:11 am

NAME Get-DnsVersion


Get the DNS server version.


Get-DnsVersion [-Tcp] [[-Port] <UInt16>] [[-Timeout] <Byte>] [-IPv6] [[-ComputerName] <String>]



Attempt to get the DNS server version by sending a request for version.bind. using the CH class.

DNS servers often refuse queries for the version number.


-Tcp [<SwitchParameter>]

Recursive, or version, queries can be forced to use TCP by setting the TCP switch parameter.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Port <UInt16>

By default, DNS uses TCP or UDP port 53. The port used to send queries may be changed if a server is listening

on a different port.

Required? false

Position? 1

Default value 53

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Timeout <Byte>

By default, queries will timeout after 5 seconds. The value may be set between 1 and 30 seconds.

Required? false

Position? 2

Default value 5

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-IPv6 [<SwitchParameter>]

Force the use of IPv6 for queries, if this parameter is set and the ComputerName is set to a name (e.g.

ns1.domain.example), Get-Dns will attempt to locate an AAAA record for the server.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-ComputerName <String>

A server name or IP address to execute a query against. If an IPv6 address is used Get-Dns will attempt the

query using IPv6 (enables the IPv6 parameter).

If a name is used another lookup will be required to resolve the name to an IP. Get-Dns caches responses for

queries performed involving the Server parameter. The cache may be viewed and maintained using the

*-InternalDnsCache CmdLets.

If no server name is defined, the Get-DnsServerList command is used to discover locally configured DNS servers.

Required? false

Position? 3

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).



-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

PS C:\\>Get-DnsVersion

Get the version of the default DNS server.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS C:\\>Get-DnsVersion -ComputerName

Get the version of the DNS server running on