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Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:50 am

NAME Get-JCCommand


Returns all JumpCloud Commands within a JumpCloud tenant or a single JumpCloud Command using the -ByID Parameter.


Get-JCCommand [-CommandID] <System.String[]> [-ByID] [<CommonParameters>]


The Get-JCCommand function returns all information describing a JumpCloud command. To find the contents and

payload of a specific command the -ByID Parameter must be used as this information is only accessible when using

this Parameter.


-ByID <System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter>

Use the -ByID parameter when you want to query the contents of a specific command or if the -CommandID is

being passed over the pipeline to return the full contents of a JumpCloud command. The -ByID SwitchParameter

will set the ParameterSet to 'ByID' which queries one JumpCloud command at a time.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-CommandID <System.String[]>

The _id of the JumpCloud command you wish to query.

To find a JumpCloud CommandID run the command:

PS C:\\> Get-JCCommand | Select name, _id

The CommandID will be the 24 character string populated for the _id field.

CommandID has an Alias of _id. This means you can leverage the PowerShell pipeline to populate this field

automatically using a function that returns the JumpCloud CommandID. This is shown in EXAMPLES 3 and 4.

Required? true

Position? 0

Default value None

Accept pipeline input? True (ByPropertyName)

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).






-------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

PS C:\\> Get-JCCommand

Returns all JumpCloud Commands populated within the Commands section of the JumpCloud admin console.

-------------------------- Example 2 --------------------------

PS C:\\> Get-JCCommand -CommandID 5j09o6f23dan6f4n035601d5

Returns a single JumpCloud command with CommandID '5j09o6f23dan6f4n035601d5'. Note that the contents of the

command will be present in the output from this command.

-------------------------- Example 3 --------------------------

PS C:\\> Get-JCCommand | Get-JCCommand -ByID

Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands by passing the -CommandID Parameter to the -ByID

Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding.

Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be directly proportionate to how many

JumpCloud commands you have. The command 'Get-JCCommand -ByID' runs once for every JumpCloud command within your


-------------------------- Example 4 --------------------------

PS C:\\> Get-JCCommand | Where-Object launchType -EQ 'trigger' | Get-JCCommand -ByID

Returns all information describing all JumpCloud commands with a launchType of 'trigger' by passing the -CommandID

Parameter to the -ByID Parameter using the pipeline and Parameter Binding.

Note that when running this command the time for the output to display will be directly proportionate to how many

JumpCloud commands you have with a launchType of 'trigger'. The command 'Get-JCCommand -ByID' runs once for every

JumpCloud command within your tenant with a launchType of 'trigger'.


Online Version: https://github.com/TheJumpCloud/support ... -JCCommand