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Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:40 pm

NAME Approve-Probe


Approves or denies a new probe for use within PRTG.


Approve-Probe -Probe <Probe> [-PassThru <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Approve-Probe -Deny <SwitchParameter> -Probe <Probe> [-PassThru <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Approve-Probe -AutoDiscover <SwitchParameter> -Probe <Probe> [-PassThru <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Approve-Probe -Id <int> [<CommonParameters>]

Approve-Probe -Deny <SwitchParameter> -Id <int> [<CommonParameters>]

Approve-Probe -AutoDiscover <SwitchParameter> -Id <int> [<CommonParameters>]


The Approve-Probe cmdlet approves or denies a newly installed probe for use within PRTG. The Approve-Probe cmdlet

can only be used on probes that have not yet been approved for use within PRTG. If Approve-Probe is executed on a

probe that has already been approved, a warning will be emitted and the probe will be ignored.

When a probe is approved, PRTG will automatically create the "Probe Device" object under the probe containing the

default probe sensors. If the -AutoDiscover parameter is specified, PRTG will additionally attempt to perform an

auto-discovery to add any devices present in the probe's network.

If -Deny is specified, the probe will be removed from PRTG and its GID will be blacklisted. If a probe GID is

blacklisted, it will not be able to communicate with PRTG unless its GID is changed or the GID is removed from the

blacklist under Setup -> System Administration -> Core & Probes


-Probe <Probe>

Probe to set the approval status of.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Id <int>

ID of the probe to set the approval status of.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value 0

Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-ProbeId <int>

ID of the probe to set the approval status of.

This is an alias of the Id parameter.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value 0

Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Deny <SwitchParameter>

Deny the probe from communicating with PRTG. This will also blacklist the probe's GID.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-AutoDiscover <SwitchParameter>

Approve the probe and automatically perform an auto-discovery.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-PassThru <SwitchParameter>

Specifies whether to return the original IObject that was passed to this cmdlet, allowing the object to be

further piped into additional cmdlets.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).



Probe to set the approval status of.


ID of the probe to set the approval status of.


Specifies whether to return the original IObject that was passed to this cmdlet, allowing the object to be

further piped into additional cmdlets.


---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------

C:\\> Get-Probe | Approve-Probe

Approve all PRTG probes. Any probes that have already been approved will be skipped.

---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------

C:\\> Get-Probe | where { ($_ | Get-ObjectProperty).ProbeApproved -eq $false } | Approve-Probe

Approve all probes that have not been approved.

---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------

C:\\> Approve-Probe -Id 1001 -Deny

Deny the probe with ID 1001.

---------- EXAMPLE 4 ----------

C:\\> Get-Probe | Approve-Probe -AutoDiscover

Approve all probes and immediately perform an auto-discovery. Any probes that have already been approved will be



Online version: https://github.com/lordmilko/PrtgAPI/wi ... y-probes-1
