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Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:41 pm

NAME Get-ObjectProperty


Retrieves properties and settings of a PRTG Object.


Get-ObjectProperty -Object <PrtgObject> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ObjectProperty [-Property] {Active | InheritLocation | Location | LocationName | InheritWindowsCredentials |

WindowsDomain | WindowsUserName | WindowsPassword | InheritLinuxCredentials | LinuxUserName | LinuxLoginMode |

LinuxPassword | LinuxPrivateKey | WbemProtocolMode | WbemPortMode | WbemPort | SSHPort | SSHElevationMode |

SSHElevationSuUser | SSHElevationSudoUser | SSHElevationPassword | SSHEngine | InheritVMwareCredentials |

VMwareUserName | VMwarePassword | VMwareProtocol | VMwareSessionMode | InheritSNMPCredentials | SNMPVersion |

SNMPCommunityStringV1 | SNMPCommunityStringV2 | SNMPv3AuthType | SNMPv3UserName | SNMPv3Password |

SNMPv3EncryptionType | SNMPv3EncryptionKey | SNMPv3Context | SNMPPort | SNMPTimeout | InheritDBCredentials |

DBPortMode | DBPort | DBAuthMode | DBUserName | DBPassword | DBTimeout | InheritAmazonCredentials |

AmazonAccessKey | AmazonSecretKey | InheritWindowsCompatibility | WmiDataSource | WmiTimeoutMethod | WmiTimeout |

InheritSNMPCompatibility | SNMPDelay | SNMPRetryMode | SNMPOverflowMode | SNMPZeroValueMode | SNMPCounterMode |

SNMPRequestMode | SNMPPortNameTemplate | SNMPPortNameUpdateMode | SNMPPortIdMode | SNMPInterfaceStartIndex |

SNMPInterfaceEndIndex | InheritChannelUnit | BandwidthVolumeUnit | BandwidthSpeedUnit | BandwidthTimeUnit |

MemoryUsageUnit | DiskSizeUnit | FileSizeUnit | InheritAccess | Name | Tags | Priority | DebugMode | Url |

HttpRequestMethod | PostData | UseCustomPostContent | PostContentType | UseSNIFromUrl | InheritProxy |

ProxyAddress | ProxyPort | ProxyUser | ProxyPassword | Timeout | PingPacketSize | PingMode | PingCount | PingDelay

| AutoAcknowledge | InheritInterval | Interval | IntervalErrorMode | GraphType | ExeFile | ExeParameters |

SetExeEnvironmentVariables | UseWindowsAuthentication | Mutex | WmiMode | Target | PingRemotePacketSize |

ChannelDefinition | FactoryErrorMode | FactoryErrorFormula | FactoryMissingDataMode | StartStopped | NotifyChanged

| MonitorPerformance | Database | UseCustomInstance | InstanceName | SqlEncryptionMode | SqlServerQuery |

UseSqlInputParameter | SqlInputParameter | SqlTransactionMode | SqlProcessingMode | InheritTriggers | Comments |

Host | Hostv4 | Hostv6 | ServiceUrl | AutoDiscoveryMode | AutoDiscoverySchedule} -Object <PrtgObject>


Get-ObjectProperty -Object <PrtgObject> -RawProperty <string[]> [-Text <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ObjectProperty -Object <PrtgObject> -Raw <SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ObjectProperty -Id <int> -Property {Active | InheritLocation | Location | LocationName |

InheritWindowsCredentials | WindowsDomain | WindowsUserName | WindowsPassword | InheritLinuxCredentials |

LinuxUserName | LinuxLoginMode | LinuxPassword | LinuxPrivateKey | WbemProtocolMode | WbemPortMode | WbemPort |

SSHPort | SSHElevationMode | SSHElevationSuUser | SSHElevationSudoUser | SSHElevationPassword | SSHEngine |

InheritVMwareCredentials | VMwareUserName | VMwarePassword | VMwareProtocol | VMwareSessionMode |

InheritSNMPCredentials | SNMPVersion | SNMPCommunityStringV1 | SNMPCommunityStringV2 | SNMPv3AuthType |

SNMPv3UserName | SNMPv3Password | SNMPv3EncryptionType | SNMPv3EncryptionKey | SNMPv3Context | SNMPPort |

SNMPTimeout | InheritDBCredentials | DBPortMode | DBPort | DBAuthMode | DBUserName | DBPassword | DBTimeout |

InheritAmazonCredentials | AmazonAccessKey | AmazonSecretKey | InheritWindowsCompatibility | WmiDataSource |

WmiTimeoutMethod | WmiTimeout | InheritSNMPCompatibility | SNMPDelay | SNMPRetryMode | SNMPOverflowMode |

SNMPZeroValueMode | SNMPCounterMode | SNMPRequestMode | SNMPPortNameTemplate | SNMPPortNameUpdateMode |

SNMPPortIdMode | SNMPInterfaceStartIndex | SNMPInterfaceEndIndex | InheritChannelUnit | BandwidthVolumeUnit |

BandwidthSpeedUnit | BandwidthTimeUnit | MemoryUsageUnit | DiskSizeUnit | FileSizeUnit | InheritAccess | Name |

Tags | Priority | DebugMode | Url | HttpRequestMethod | PostData | UseCustomPostContent | PostContentType |

UseSNIFromUrl | InheritProxy | ProxyAddress | ProxyPort | ProxyUser | ProxyPassword | Timeout | PingPacketSize |

PingMode | PingCount | PingDelay | AutoAcknowledge | InheritInterval | Interval | IntervalErrorMode | GraphType |

ExeFile | ExeParameters | SetExeEnvironmentVariables | UseWindowsAuthentication | Mutex | WmiMode | Target |

PingRemotePacketSize | ChannelDefinition | FactoryErrorMode | FactoryErrorFormula | FactoryMissingDataMode |

StartStopped | NotifyChanged | MonitorPerformance | Database | UseCustomInstance | InstanceName |

SqlEncryptionMode | SqlServerQuery | UseSqlInputParameter | SqlInputParameter | SqlTransactionMode |

SqlProcessingMode | InheritTriggers | Comments | Host | Hostv4 | Hostv6 | ServiceUrl | AutoDiscoveryMode |

AutoDiscoverySchedule} [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ObjectProperty -Id <int> -RawProperty <string[]> [-Text <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-ObjectProperty -Id <int> -RawProperty <string[]> -RawSubType <string> -SubId <int> [-Text <SwitchParameter>]


Get-ObjectProperty -Id <int> -Raw <SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]


The Get-ObjectProperty cmdlet retrieves properties and settings of a PRTG Object, as found on the "Settings" tab

within the PRTG UI. Properties retrieved by Get-ObjectProperty may not necessarily be active depending on the

value of their dependent property (e.g. the Interval will not take effect if InheritInterval is $true).

Get-ObjectProperty supports retrieving type safe and raw values. These values can be retrieved as part of larger

property collections (by specifying no parameters or -Raw) or as individual values (-Property or -RawProperty).

When retrieving property collections Get-ObjectProperty will fail to retrieve the expected properties if the

current user has read only access to the specified object. To retrieve properties from read only objects a

specific -Property or -RawProperty must be specified.

Properties that are not currently supported by Get-ObjectProperty can be retrieved by specifying the -RawProperty

parameter. Raw property names can be found by inspecting the "name" attribute of the <input/> tag under the

object's Settings page in the PRTG UI. Unlike Set-ObjectProperty, raw property names do not need to include their

trailing underscores when used with Get-ObjectProperty. If a trailing underscore is used, PrtgAPI will

automatically truncate it. When retrieving raw properties please note that PRTG does not support the retrieval of

Inheritance related properties via raw lookups.

By default raw properties will display their values in their "raw" format, i.e. their literal string value or

numeric representation (such as 0 or 1 for an "option" setting). If -Text is specified when retrieving an "option"

property, the property's "label" in the PRTG UI will be returned instead of its numeric representation.

Properties can be retrieved by piping in a PrtgObject or by specifying a single object ID. When retrieving by -Id

individual properties of sub objects (such as Channels and Notification Triggers) can be retrieved by specifying a

-SubId as well as -RawSubType. As sub objects typically include all properties known to them on their regular

objects, retrieval of individual sub object properties is generally not necessary.

In order to provide type safety when modifying properties, all properties supported by Set-ObjectProperty perform

a lookup against their corresponding property in Get-ObjectProperty. If the type of value passed to

Set-ObjectProperty does not match the property's expected type, PrtgAPI will attempt to parse the value into the

expected type. For more information, see Set-ObjectProperty.


-Object <PrtgObject>

The object to retrieve properties for.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Id <int>

The ID of the object to retrieve properties for.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value 0

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-SubId <int>

The sub ID of the object to retrieve properties for.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value 0

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-RawSubType <string>

The type of the sub object to retrieve properties for.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Property <ObjectProperty[]>

The name of one or more properties to retrieve. Note: PRTG does not support retrieving inheritance settings in

via direct API calls.

Possible values: Active, InheritLocation, Location, LocationName, InheritWindowsCredentials, WindowsDomain,

WindowsUserName, WindowsPassword, InheritLinuxCredentials, LinuxUserName, LinuxLoginMode, LinuxPassword,

LinuxPrivateKey, WbemProtocolMode, WbemPortMode, WbemPort, SSHPort, SSHElevationMode, SSHElevationSuUser,

SSHElevationSudoUser, SSHElevationPassword, SSHEngine, InheritVMwareCredentials, VMwareUserName,

VMwarePassword, VMwareProtocol, VMwareSessionMode, InheritSNMPCredentials, SNMPVersion, SNMPCommunityStringV1,

SNMPCommunityStringV2, SNMPv3AuthType, SNMPv3UserName, SNMPv3Password, SNMPv3EncryptionType,

SNMPv3EncryptionKey, SNMPv3Context, SNMPPort, SNMPTimeout, InheritDBCredentials, DBPortMode, DBPort,

DBAuthMode, DBUserName, DBPassword, DBTimeout, InheritAmazonCredentials, AmazonAccessKey, AmazonSecretKey,

InheritWindowsCompatibility, WmiDataSource, WmiTimeoutMethod, WmiTimeout, InheritSNMPCompatibility, SNMPDelay,

SNMPRetryMode, SNMPOverflowMode, SNMPZeroValueMode, SNMPCounterMode, SNMPRequestMode, SNMPPortNameTemplate,

SNMPPortNameUpdateMode, SNMPPortIdMode, SNMPInterfaceStartIndex, SNMPInterfaceEndIndex, InheritChannelUnit,

BandwidthVolumeUnit, BandwidthSpeedUnit, BandwidthTimeUnit, MemoryUsageUnit, DiskSizeUnit, FileSizeUnit,

InheritAccess, Name, Tags, Priority, DebugMode, Url, HttpRequestMethod, PostData, UseCustomPostContent,

PostContentType, UseSNIFromUrl, InheritProxy, ProxyAddress, ProxyPort, ProxyUser, ProxyPassword, Timeout,

PingPacketSize, PingMode, PingCount, PingDelay, AutoAcknowledge, InheritInterval, Interval, IntervalErrorMode,

GraphType, ExeFile, ExeParameters, SetExeEnvironmentVariables, UseWindowsAuthentication, Mutex, WmiMode,

Target, PingRemotePacketSize, ChannelDefinition, FactoryErrorMode, FactoryErrorFormula,

FactoryMissingDataMode, StartStopped, NotifyChanged, MonitorPerformance, Database, UseCustomInstance,

InstanceName, SqlEncryptionMode, SqlServerQuery, UseSqlInputParameter, SqlInputParameter, SqlTransactionMode,

SqlProcessingMode, InheritTriggers, Comments, Host, Hostv4, Hostv6, ServiceUrl, AutoDiscoveryMode,


Required? true

Position? 0

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-RawProperty <string[]>

The raw name of one or more properties to retrieve. This can be typically discovered by inspecting the "name"

attribute of the properties' <input/> tag on the Settings page of PRTG. Note: PRTG does not support retrieving

raw section inheritance settings.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Raw <SwitchParameter>

Retrieve all raw properties from the target object.

Note: objects may have additional properties that cannot be retrieved via this method. For more information,

see Get-Help about_ObjectProperty

Required? true

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Text <SwitchParameter>

Specifies whether to display option properties using their label names instead their internal numeric values.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).



The object to retrieve properties for.


---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------

C:\\> Get-Device -Id 1001 | Get-ObjectProperty

Retrieve all properties and settings of the device with ID 1001

---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------

C:\\> Get-Device -Id 1001 | Get-ObjectProperty -RawProperty name_

Retrieve the value of raw property "name"

---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------

C:\\> Get-Device -Id 1001 | Get-ObjectProperty -RawProperty query_ -Text

Retrieve the "query" field of a REST Custom sensor.

---------- EXAMPLE 4 ----------

C:\\> Get-ObjectProperty -Id 1001 -Raw

Retrieve all raw properties of the object with ID 1001

---------- EXAMPLE 5 ----------

C:\\> Get-ObjectProperty -Id 1001 -SubId 1 -RawSubType channel -RawProperty limitmaxerror

Retrieve the upper error limit property of the channel with ID 1 on the object with ID 1001


Online version: https://github.com/lordmilko/PrtgAPI/wi ... tion#get-1




