< Back
NAME Invoke-AdSync
This is the main function for the PSADSync module. This function reads all rows in a CSV file, finds an Active
Directory user match and then optionally syncs each CSV field with the user's AD attribute.
Invoke-AdSync -CsvFilePath <string> -FieldSyncMap <hashtable> -FieldValueMap -FieldMatchMap <hashtable>
[-ReportOnly <switch>] [-Exclude <hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
This function has many ways to both find and sync users but the premise is the same.
1. Figure out a 1:1 ID match between a CSV row and an Active Directory user account.
2. If not found:
- optionally create users or do nothing.
3. If found:
- attempt to match each applicable CSV field to an Active Directory user attribute.
4. If a CSV field to AD user attribute match is found:
- Attempt to write the applicable CSV field value to the user attribute making the CSV row field values and
the user AD attributes in sync.
5. If a CSV field to AD user attribute match is not found:
- Do nothing
All activity is recorded in a CSV file called PSADSync.csv in the folder as where this function is executed with
what IDs fields were mapped along with each attribute that was synced (or needs to be synced).
-CsvFilePath <string>
A mandatory parameter that represents the location to the CSV file containing probable employee accounts is
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-FieldSyncMap <hashtable>
A mandatory hashtable representing key/value pairs in order to map a CSV field to an Active Directory user
attribute. The key (left hand value) will always be the CSV field name and the value (right hand value) will
always be the Active Directory attribute that field maps to. The hashtable can contain as many key/value pairs
as necessary mapping a CSV field to an AD users's attribute.
Instead of specifying a simple string for each key in this parameter you may also specify a scriptblock. When
a scriptblock is specfied as a key, this is known as a conditional map. This expression is then executed when
reading the CSV file and "converts" the original CSV value to one that's the result of the expression.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-FieldMatchMap <hashtable>
A mandatory hashtable parameter representing key/value pairs in order to map an identifying CSV field to an
Active Directory identifying user attribute. The key (left hand value) will always be the CSV field name and
the value (right hand value) will always be the Active Directory attribute that field maps to. This hashtable
is used to find the initial 1:1 match mapping a single CSV row to a single Active Directory user.
Instead of specifying a simple string for each key in this parameter you may also specify a scriptblock. When
a scriptblock is specfied as a key, this is known as a conditional map. This expression is then executed when
reading the CSV file and "converts" the original CSV value to one that's the result of the expression.
This is useful in times when an identifier field in the CSV needs to be changed to reflect the expected unique
identifier for a user in Active Directory.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
An optional hashtable parameter representing any in-memory changes that need to occur to values inside of the
CSV. This parameter would be used if, instead of matching a value in the CSV, the value needs to be changed
somehow before writing the attribute to Active Directory.
Instead of specifying a simple string for each value in this parameter you may also specify a scriptblock.
When a scriptblock is specfied as a value, this is known as a conditional map. This expression is then
executed when reading the CSV file and "converts" the original CSV value to one that's the result of the
expression. This is useful in times when the values in a CSV field need to be changed to reflect the expected
values for a user in Active Directory.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-CreateNewUsers [<switch>]
An optional switch parameter to create all users in the CSV file in which a match could not be found. By
default, Invoke-AdSync only changes attributes on existing Active Directory users.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-UserMatchMap <hashtable>
An mandatory hashtable parameter to be used when creating new Active Directory users. Since a 1:1 match cannot
be found using the FieldMatchMap parameter, Invoke-AdSync needs another way to make this match. The values in
this hashtable will be used to dynamically build a samAccountName attribute for the soon-to-be-created Active
Directory user.
This hashtable needs to know the first name and last name of an employee from the CSV. It is meant to map the
'First name' and 'Last name' fields in the CSV file with the AD user's givenName and surName attributes.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-UserNamePattern <string>
To create new users, the samAccountName attribute must be created. This string parameter allows the user to
define the pattern in which it will be created. Available options are FirstInitialLastName, FirstNameLastName,
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-ReportOnly [<switch>]
By default, Invoke-AdSync attempts to sync user attributes. To only attempt to find matches and out of sync
attributes, use this parameter to disable syncing and only write results to the log file.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-Exclude [<hashtable>]
An optional hashtable parameter representing any CSV users that need to be excluded from the sync. The key
value will be the CSV field name while the hashtable value will be the value of the CSV field to exclude.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-logFilePath [<string>]
An optional parameter for specifying the file path for the log output. By default, this is located in the
PSADSync module root directory.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-logOverwrite [<switch>]
An optional parameter for overwriting the log file on each run. By default, the log items are appended to the
original log.
This parameter is useful while testing to speed up manual log parsing on individual runs of Invoke-ADSync
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
EXAMPLE 1 - Performing Simple String Match and Sync
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function
would then read the 'givenName' and 'surName` attributes on each AD account. If either differed from givenName
'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName: 'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to write these values to each AD
user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName
Adam Bertram abertram
Joe Jones jjones
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{ userName = 'samAccountName' }
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName';
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 2 - Performing Simple String Match
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function
would write the CSV fields, their values along with the AD user attribute names and values that are out of sync to
the log file PSADSync.csv located in the same folder in which the function was executed. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName
Adam Bertram abertram
Joe Jones jjones
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{ userName = 'samAccountName' }
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName';
LastName = 'surName'
ReportOnly = $true
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 3 - Performing Simple String Match to Create New User Accounts
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would then assume the 'FirstN` CSV field is the
users's first name and the 'LastN` CSV field is the user's last name. It would then combine these two strings
creating AD user accounts with the samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones' based on the UserNamePattern
specified. Once username has been assembled, it would then create both of these users with the appropriate
samAccountName with a givenName and surName mapped appropriately. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstN LastN userName
Adam Bertram abertram
Joe Jones jjones
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{ userName = 'samAccountName' }
FieldSyncMap @{
FirstName = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
CreateNewUsers = $true
UserMatchMap = @{ FirstName = ???????FirstN????????; LastName = ???????LastN???????? }
UserNamePattern = 'FirstInitialLastName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 4 - Performing a Simple String Match and Sync with a Fallback Identifier
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would then attempt to perform the same match on
the CSV field 'id' with the AD user attibute 'employeeId'. If still not found, it would do nothing. If found
however, the function would then read the 'givenName' and 'surName` attributes on each AD account. If either
differed from givenName 'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName: 'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to write
these values to each AD user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName id
Adam Bertram abertram 1
Joe Jones jjones 2
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
userName = 'samAccountName'
id = 'employeeId'
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 5 - Performing a Conditional String Match
If the 'usrname' field in a CSV row is blank, this example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a
samAccountName of '1' based on the CSV field 'id' and a samAccountName of 'abertram' based on the CSV field
'userName'. If the 'username' value is not blank, it would attemp to find the Active Directory users with a
samAccountName of 'userName'.
If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function would then read the 'givenName' and
'surName` attributes on each AD account. If either differed from givenName 'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName:
'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to write these values to each AD user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName id
Adam Bertram abertram 1
Joe Jones 2
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
{ if ($_.userName -eq $null) { 'id' } else { 'username' } } = 'samAccountName'
id = 'employeeId'
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 6 - Performing a Simple String Match and a Conditional Sync
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function
would then check to see if the 'NickName' field in the CSV was populated. If so, it would map the 'NickName' field
to the 'givenName' AD attribute. If not, it would map the 'FirstName' field to the 'givenName' AD attribute. If
either differed from givenName 'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName: 'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to
write these values to each AD user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName NickName userName id
Adam Bertram ace abertram 1
Joe Jones Joey 2
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
'userName' = 'samAccountName'
FieldSyncMap = @{
{ if ($_.NickName) { 'NickName' } else 'FirstName' }} = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 7 - Performing a Simple String Match and Sync Using a Conditional Value
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found, it would map the
'Supervisor' CSV field to the 'manager' AD attribute. If differed from 'CN=jjones,DC=lab,DC=local' in the AD user
manager attribute, it would attempt to write this values to each AD user.
This example uses the `FieldValueMap` to dynamically replace a CSV field value with the result of an expression.
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName NickName userName id Supervisor SupervisorId
Adam Bertram ace abertram 1 'Joey Jones' 2
Joe Jones Joey jjones 2
PS> (Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '2'").DistinguishedName CN=jjones,DC=lab,DC=local
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
'userName' = 'samAccountName'
FieldSyncMap = @{
Supervisor = 'manager'
FieldValueMap = @{
'SUPERVISOR' = { $supId = $_.SupervisorId ; (Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq
'$supId'").DistinguishedName }
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
CommonParameters : True
WorkflowCommonParameters : False
details : @{name=New-CompanyAdUser; noun=; verb=}
Syntax : @{syntaxItem=System.Object[]}
parameters : @{parameter=System.Object[]}
inputTypes : @{inputType=}
returnValues : @{returnValue=}
aliases : None
remarks : None
alertSet :
description :
examples :
Synopsis :
New-CompanyAdUser -CsvUser <psobject> -Password <securestring> -FieldSyncMap <hashtable>
-FieldMatchMap <hashtable> -UserMatchMap <hashtable> [-Path <string>] [-FieldValueMap
<hashtable>] [-UsernamePattern <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
New-CompanyAdUser -CsvUser <psobject> -RandomPassword -FieldSyncMap <hashtable>
-FieldMatchMap <hashtable> -UserMatchMap <hashtable> [-Path <string>] [-FieldValueMap
<hashtable>] [-UsernamePattern <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
ModuleName : PSADSync
nonTerminatingErrors :
xmlns:command : http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10
xmlns:dev : http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10
xmlns:maml : http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10
Name : New-CompanyAdUser
Category : Function
Component :
Role :
Functionality :
This is the main function for the PSADSync module. This function reads all rows in a CSV file, finds an Active
Directory user match and then optionally syncs each CSV field with the user's AD attribute.
Invoke-AdSync -CsvFilePath <string> -FieldSyncMap <hashtable> -FieldValueMap -FieldMatchMap <hashtable>
[-ReportOnly <switch>] [-Exclude <hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]
This function has many ways to both find and sync users but the premise is the same.
1. Figure out a 1:1 ID match between a CSV row and an Active Directory user account.
2. If not found:
- optionally create users or do nothing.
3. If found:
- attempt to match each applicable CSV field to an Active Directory user attribute.
4. If a CSV field to AD user attribute match is found:
- Attempt to write the applicable CSV field value to the user attribute making the CSV row field values and
the user AD attributes in sync.
5. If a CSV field to AD user attribute match is not found:
- Do nothing
All activity is recorded in a CSV file called PSADSync.csv in the folder as where this function is executed with
what IDs fields were mapped along with each attribute that was synced (or needs to be synced).
-CsvFilePath <string>
A mandatory parameter that represents the location to the CSV file containing probable employee accounts is
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-FieldSyncMap <hashtable>
A mandatory hashtable representing key/value pairs in order to map a CSV field to an Active Directory user
attribute. The key (left hand value) will always be the CSV field name and the value (right hand value) will
always be the Active Directory attribute that field maps to. The hashtable can contain as many key/value pairs
as necessary mapping a CSV field to an AD users's attribute.
Instead of specifying a simple string for each key in this parameter you may also specify a scriptblock. When
a scriptblock is specfied as a key, this is known as a conditional map. This expression is then executed when
reading the CSV file and "converts" the original CSV value to one that's the result of the expression.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-FieldMatchMap <hashtable>
A mandatory hashtable parameter representing key/value pairs in order to map an identifying CSV field to an
Active Directory identifying user attribute. The key (left hand value) will always be the CSV field name and
the value (right hand value) will always be the Active Directory attribute that field maps to. This hashtable
is used to find the initial 1:1 match mapping a single CSV row to a single Active Directory user.
Instead of specifying a simple string for each key in this parameter you may also specify a scriptblock. When
a scriptblock is specfied as a key, this is known as a conditional map. This expression is then executed when
reading the CSV file and "converts" the original CSV value to one that's the result of the expression.
This is useful in times when an identifier field in the CSV needs to be changed to reflect the expected unique
identifier for a user in Active Directory.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
An optional hashtable parameter representing any in-memory changes that need to occur to values inside of the
CSV. This parameter would be used if, instead of matching a value in the CSV, the value needs to be changed
somehow before writing the attribute to Active Directory.
Instead of specifying a simple string for each value in this parameter you may also specify a scriptblock.
When a scriptblock is specfied as a value, this is known as a conditional map. This expression is then
executed when reading the CSV file and "converts" the original CSV value to one that's the result of the
expression. This is useful in times when the values in a CSV field need to be changed to reflect the expected
values for a user in Active Directory.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-CreateNewUsers [<switch>]
An optional switch parameter to create all users in the CSV file in which a match could not be found. By
default, Invoke-AdSync only changes attributes on existing Active Directory users.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-UserMatchMap <hashtable>
An mandatory hashtable parameter to be used when creating new Active Directory users. Since a 1:1 match cannot
be found using the FieldMatchMap parameter, Invoke-AdSync needs another way to make this match. The values in
this hashtable will be used to dynamically build a samAccountName attribute for the soon-to-be-created Active
Directory user.
This hashtable needs to know the first name and last name of an employee from the CSV. It is meant to map the
'First name' and 'Last name' fields in the CSV file with the AD user's givenName and surName attributes.
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-UserNamePattern <string>
To create new users, the samAccountName attribute must be created. This string parameter allows the user to
define the pattern in which it will be created. Available options are FirstInitialLastName, FirstNameLastName,
Required? true
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-ReportOnly [<switch>]
By default, Invoke-AdSync attempts to sync user attributes. To only attempt to find matches and out of sync
attributes, use this parameter to disable syncing and only write results to the log file.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-Exclude [<hashtable>]
An optional hashtable parameter representing any CSV users that need to be excluded from the sync. The key
value will be the CSV field name while the hashtable value will be the value of the CSV field to exclude.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-logFilePath [<string>]
An optional parameter for specifying the file path for the log output. By default, this is located in the
PSADSync module root directory.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
-logOverwrite [<switch>]
An optional parameter for overwriting the log file on each run. By default, the log items are appended to the
original log.
This parameter is useful while testing to speed up manual log parsing on individual runs of Invoke-ADSync
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
EXAMPLE 1 - Performing Simple String Match and Sync
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function
would then read the 'givenName' and 'surName` attributes on each AD account. If either differed from givenName
'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName: 'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to write these values to each AD
user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName
Adam Bertram abertram
Joe Jones jjones
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{ userName = 'samAccountName' }
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName';
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 2 - Performing Simple String Match
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function
would write the CSV fields, their values along with the AD user attribute names and values that are out of sync to
the log file PSADSync.csv located in the same folder in which the function was executed. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName
Adam Bertram abertram
Joe Jones jjones
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{ userName = 'samAccountName' }
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName';
LastName = 'surName'
ReportOnly = $true
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 3 - Performing Simple String Match to Create New User Accounts
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would then assume the 'FirstN` CSV field is the
users's first name and the 'LastN` CSV field is the user's last name. It would then combine these two strings
creating AD user accounts with the samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones' based on the UserNamePattern
specified. Once username has been assembled, it would then create both of these users with the appropriate
samAccountName with a givenName and surName mapped appropriately. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstN LastN userName
Adam Bertram abertram
Joe Jones jjones
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{ userName = 'samAccountName' }
FieldSyncMap @{
FirstName = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
CreateNewUsers = $true
UserMatchMap = @{ FirstName = ???????FirstN????????; LastName = ???????LastN???????? }
UserNamePattern = 'FirstInitialLastName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 4 - Performing a Simple String Match and Sync with a Fallback Identifier
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would then attempt to perform the same match on
the CSV field 'id' with the AD user attibute 'employeeId'. If still not found, it would do nothing. If found
however, the function would then read the 'givenName' and 'surName` attributes on each AD account. If either
differed from givenName 'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName: 'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to write
these values to each AD user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName id
Adam Bertram abertram 1
Joe Jones jjones 2
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
userName = 'samAccountName'
id = 'employeeId'
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 5 - Performing a Conditional String Match
If the 'usrname' field in a CSV row is blank, this example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a
samAccountName of '1' based on the CSV field 'id' and a samAccountName of 'abertram' based on the CSV field
'userName'. If the 'username' value is not blank, it would attemp to find the Active Directory users with a
samAccountName of 'userName'.
If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function would then read the 'givenName' and
'surName` attributes on each AD account. If either differed from givenName 'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName:
'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to write these values to each AD user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName userName id
Adam Bertram abertram 1
Joe Jones 2
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
{ if ($_.userName -eq $null) { 'id' } else { 'username' } } = 'samAccountName'
id = 'employeeId'
FieldSyncMap = @{
FirstName = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 6 - Performing a Simple String Match and a Conditional Sync
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found however, the function
would then check to see if the 'NickName' field in the CSV was populated. If so, it would map the 'NickName' field
to the 'givenName' AD attribute. If not, it would map the 'FirstName' field to the 'givenName' AD attribute. If
either differed from givenName 'Adam' surName: 'Bertram' or givenName: 'Joe' surName: 'Jones', it would attempt to
write these values to each AD user. ======================
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName NickName userName id
Adam Bertram ace abertram 1
Joe Jones Joey 2
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
'userName' = 'samAccountName'
FieldSyncMap = @{
{ if ($_.NickName) { 'NickName' } else 'FirstName' }} = 'givenName'
LastName = 'surName'
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
EXAMPLE 7 - Performing a Simple String Match and Sync Using a Conditional Value
This example would attempt to find the Active Directory users with a samAccountName of 'abertram' and 'jjones'
based on the CSV value 'userName'. If a match was not found, it would do nothing. If found, it would map the
'Supervisor' CSV field to the 'manager' AD attribute. If differed from 'CN=jjones,DC=lab,DC=local' in the AD user
manager attribute, it would attempt to write this values to each AD user.
This example uses the `FieldValueMap` to dynamically replace a CSV field value with the result of an expression.
PS> Import-Csv -Path C:\\CsvUsers.csv
FirstName LastName NickName userName id Supervisor SupervisorId
Adam Bertram ace abertram 1 'Joey Jones' 2
Joe Jones Joey jjones 2
PS> (Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '2'").DistinguishedName CN=jjones,DC=lab,DC=local
$parameters = @{
CsvFilePath = 'C:\\CsvUsers.csv'
FieldMatchMap = @{
'userName' = 'samAccountName'
FieldSyncMap = @{
Supervisor = 'manager'
FieldValueMap = @{
'SUPERVISOR' = { $supId = $_.SupervisorId ; (Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq
'$supId'").DistinguishedName }
C:\\PS> Invoke-AdSync @parameters
CommonParameters : True
WorkflowCommonParameters : False
details : @{name=New-CompanyAdUser; noun=; verb=}
Syntax : @{syntaxItem=System.Object[]}
parameters : @{parameter=System.Object[]}
inputTypes : @{inputType=}
returnValues : @{returnValue=}
aliases : None
remarks : None
alertSet :
description :
examples :
Synopsis :
New-CompanyAdUser -CsvUser <psobject> -Password <securestring> -FieldSyncMap <hashtable>
-FieldMatchMap <hashtable> -UserMatchMap <hashtable> [-Path <string>] [-FieldValueMap
<hashtable>] [-UsernamePattern <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
New-CompanyAdUser -CsvUser <psobject> -RandomPassword -FieldSyncMap <hashtable>
-FieldMatchMap <hashtable> -UserMatchMap <hashtable> [-Path <string>] [-FieldValueMap
<hashtable>] [-UsernamePattern <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
ModuleName : PSADSync
nonTerminatingErrors :
xmlns:command : http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/command/2004/10
xmlns:dev : http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/dev/2004/10
xmlns:maml : http://schemas.microsoft.com/maml/2004/10
Name : New-CompanyAdUser
Category : Function
Component :
Role :
Functionality :