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NAME Set-ScheduledJobOption


Changes the job options of a scheduled job.


Set-ScheduledJobOption [-InputObject] <ScheduledJobOptions> [-ContinueIfGoingOnBattery] [-DoNotAllowDemandStart] [-HideInTaskScheduler] [-IdleDuration

<TimeSpan>] [-IdleTimeout <TimeSpan>] [-MultipleInstancePolicy {None | IgnoreNew | Parallel | Queue | StopExisting}] [-PassThru] [-RequireNetwork]

[-RestartOnIdleResume] [-RunElevated] [-StartIfIdle] [-StartIfOnBattery] [-StopIfGoingOffIdle] [-WakeToRun] [<CommonParameters>]


The Set-ScheduledJobOptions cmdlet changes the job options of scheduled jobs.

To change the options of a scheduled job, begin by using the Get-ScheduledJobOption cmdlet to get the job options of a scheduled job. Then, pipe the

options to Set-ScheduledJobOption or save the options in a variable and use the InputObject parameter of Set-ScheduledJobOption cmdlet to identify the

options. Use the remaining parameters of Set-ScheduledJobOption to change the job options.

To turn on a job option, use the parameter that sets that option. To turn off an option, type the parameter name, a colon (:), and $False. For example,

to turn off the RunElevated option, type `-RunElevated:$False`.

Each job options object includes a JobDefinition property that contains the scheduled job, so the association with the scheduled job is retained when

the job options are changed.

The scheduled job options determine how the job runs when it is started by Task Scheduler. These options to not apply when you use the Start-Job cmdlet

to start a scheduled job. Set-ScheduledJobOption is one of a collection of job scheduling cmdlets in the PSScheduledJob module that is included in

Windows PowerShell.

For more information about Scheduled Jobs, see the About topics in the PSScheduledJob module. Import the PSScheduledJob module and then type: `Get-Help

about_Scheduled*` or see about_Scheduled_Jobs.

This cmdlet was introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.


-ContinueIfGoingOnBattery [<SwitchParameter>]

Do not stop the scheduled job if the computer switches to battery power (disconnects from AC power) while the job is running. By default, scheduled

jobs stop when the computer disconnects from AC power.

The ContinueIfGoingOnBattery parameter sets the value of the StopIfGoingOnBatteries property of scheduled jobs to $True.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-DoNotAllowDemandStart [<SwitchParameter>]

Start the job only when it is triggered. Users cannot start the job manually, such as by using the Run feature in Task Scheduler.

This parameter only affects Task Scheduler. It does not prevents users from using the Start-Job cmdlet to start the job.

The DoNotAllowDemandStart parameter sets the value of the DoNotAllowDemandStart property of scheduled jobs to $True.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-HideInTaskScheduler [<SwitchParameter>]

Do not display the job in Task Scheduler. This value affects only the computer on which the job runs. By default, scheduled tasks appear in Task


Even if a task is hidden, users can display the task by selecting the Show hidden tasks view option in Task Scheduler.

The HideInTaskScheduler parameter sets the value of the ShowInTaskScheduler property of scheduled jobs to $False.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-IdleDuration <TimeSpan>

Specifies how long the computer must be idle before the job starts. The default value is 10 minutes. If the computer is not idle for the specified

duration before the value of IdleTimeout expires, the scheduled job does not run until the next scheduled time, if any.

Enter a timespan object, such as one generated by the New-TimeSpan cmdlet, or enter a value in <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds> format that is

automatically converted to a TimeSpan object.

To enable this value, use the StartIfIdle parameter. By default, the StartIfNotIdle property of scheduled jobs is set to $True and Windows

PowerShell ignores the IdleDuration and IdleTimeout values.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value None

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-IdleTimeout <TimeSpan>

Specifies how long the computer must be idle before the job starts. The default value is 10 minutes. If the computer is not idle for the specified

duration before the value of IdleTimeout expires, the scheduled job does not run until the next scheduled time, if any.

Enter a timespan object, such as one generated by the New-TimeSpan cmdlet, or enter a value in <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds> format that is

automatically converted to a TimeSpan object.

To enable this value, use the StartIfIdle parameter. By default, the StartIfNotIdle property of scheduled jobs is set to $True and Windows

PowerShell ignores the IdleDuration and IdleTimeout values.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value None

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-InputObject <ScheduledJobOptions>

Specifies the job options. Enter a variable that contains ScheduledJobOptions objects or type a command or expression that gets ScheduledJobOptions

objects, such as a Get-ScheduledJobOption command. You can also pipe a ScheduledJobOptions object to Set-ScheduledJobOption .

Required? true

Position? 0

Default value None

Accept pipeline input? True (ByValue)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-MultipleInstancePolicy <TaskMultipleInstancePolicy>

Determines how the system responds to a request to start an instance of a scheduled job while another instance of the job is running. The acceptable

values for this parameter are:

- IgnoreNew. The new job instance is ignored. This is the default value. - Parallel. The new job instance starts immediately. - Queue. The new job

instance starts as soon as the current instance completes. - StopExisting. The current instance of the job stop and the new instance starts.

To run the job, all conditions for the job schedule must be met. For example, if the conditions that are set by the RequireNetwork , IdleDuration ,

and IdleTimeout parameters are not satisfied, the job instance is not started, regardless of the value of this parameter.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value None

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-PassThru [<SwitchParameter>]

Returns an object representing the item with which you are working. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-RequireNetwork [<SwitchParameter>]

Runs the scheduled job only when network connections are available.

If you specify this parameter and the network is not available at the scheduled start time, the job does not run until the next scheduled start

time, if any.

The RequireNetwork parameter sets the value of the RunWithoutNetwork property of scheduled jobs to $False.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-RestartOnIdleResume [<SwitchParameter>]

Restarts a scheduled job when the computer becomes idle. This parameter works with the StopIfGoingOffIdle parameter, which suspends a running

scheduled job if the computer becomes active (leaves the idle state).

The RestartOnIdleResume parameter sets the value of the RestartOnIdleResume property of scheduled jobs to $True.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-RunElevated [<SwitchParameter>]

Runs the scheduled job with the permissions of a member of the Administrators group on the computer on which the job runs.

To enable a scheduled job to run with Administrator permissions, use the Credential parameter of Register-ScheduledJob to provide explicit

credential for the job.

The RunElevated parameter sets the value of the RunElevated property of scheduled jobs to True.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-StartIfIdle [<SwitchParameter>]

Starts the scheduled job if the computer has been idle for the time specified by the IdleDuration parameter before the time specified by the

IdleTimeout parameter expires.

By default, the IdleDuration and IdleTimeout parameters are ignored and the job starts at the scheduled start time even if the computer is busy.

If you specify this parameter and the computer is busy (not idle) at the scheduled start time, the job does not run until the next scheduled start

time, if any.

The StartIfIdle parameter sets the value of the StartIfNotIdle property of scheduled jobs to False.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-StartIfOnBattery [<SwitchParameter>]

Starts the scheduled job even if the computer is running on batteries at the scheduled start time. The default value is False.

The StartIfOnBattery parameter sets the value of the StartIfOnBatteries property of scheduled jobs to $True.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-StopIfGoingOffIdle [<SwitchParameter>]

Suspends a running scheduled job if the computer becomes active (not idle) while the job is running.

By default, a scheduled job that is suspended when the computer becomes active resumes when the computer becomes idle again. To change this default

behavior, use the RestartOnIdleResume parameter.

The StopIfGoingOffIdle parameter sets the value of the StopIfGoingOffIdle property of scheduled jobs to $True.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false

-WakeToRun [<SwitchParameter>]

Wakes the computer from a Hibernate or Sleep state at the scheduled start time so it can run the job. By default, if the computer is in a Hibernate

or Sleep state at the scheduled start time, the job does not run.

The WakeToRun parameter sets the value of the WakeToRun property of scheduled jobs to $True.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value False

Accept pipeline input? False

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).



You can pipe a scheduled job options object to Set-ScheduledJobOption .


None or Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobOptions

When you use the Passthru parameter, Set-ScheduledJobOption returns the job options that were changed. Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any



Example 1: Change job options

PS C:\\>Get-ScheduledJobOption -Name "DeployPackage"

StartIfOnBatteries : False

StopIfGoingOnBatteries : True

WakeToRun : False

StartIfNotIdle : True

StopIfGoingOffIdle : False

RestartOnIdleResume : False

IdleDuration : 00:10:00

IdleTimeout : 01:00:00

ShowInTaskScheduler : True

RunElevated : False

RunWithoutNetwork : False

DoNotAllowDemandStart : False

MultipleInstancePolicy : IgnoreNew

JobDefinition :

The second command uses the **Set-ScheduledJobOpton** cmdlet to change the job options so the values of the WakeToRun and RunWithoutNetwork properties

are $True. The command uses the *Passthru* parameter to return the trigger after the change.

PS C:\\>Get-ScheduledJobOption -Name "DeployPackage" | Set-ScheduledJobOption -WakeToRun -RequireNetwork:$False -Passthru

StartIfOnBatteries : False

StopIfGoingOnBatteries : True

WakeToRun : True

StartIfNotIdle : True

StopIfGoingOffIdle : False

RestartOnIdleResume : False

IdleDuration : 00:10:00

IdleTimeout : 01:00:00

ShowInTaskScheduler : True

RunElevated : False

RunWithoutNetwork : True

DoNotAllowDemandStart : False

MultipleInstancePolicy : IgnoreNewJobDefinition :

This example shows how to change the options of a scheduled job on the local computer.

The first command uses the Get-ScheduledJobOption cmdlet to get the job options of the DeployPackage scheduled job. The output shows that the WakeToRun

and RunElevated properties are set to $False.

This command is not required; it is included only to show the effect of the option change.

Example 2: Change an option on all remote scheduled jobs

PS C:\\>Invoke-Command -Computer "Server01" -ScriptBlock {Get-ScheduledJob | Get-ScheduledJobOption | Set-ScheduledJobOption -IdleTimeout 2:00:00}

This command changes the value of the IdleTimeout from one hour (the default value) to two hours on all scheduled jobs on the Server01 computer.

The command uses the Invoke-Command cmdlet to run a command on the Server01 computer.

The remote command begins with a Get-ScheduledJob command that gets all scheduled jobs on the computer. The scheduled jobs are piped to the

Get-ScheduledJobOption cmdlet, which gets the job options of the scheduled jobs. Each job options object contains a JobDefinition property that contains

the scheduled job, so the options object remains associated with the scheduled job even when it is changed.

The job triggers are piped to the Set-ScheduledJobOption cmdlet, which changes the value of the IdleTimeout option to two hours (2:00:00).


Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=821706















