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Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:05 pm

NAME Clear-UevAppxPackage


Clears a setting in the computer or user sections of the registry.


Clear-UevAppxPackage [-PackageFamilyName] <String[]> [-CurrentComputerUser] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Clear-UevAppxPackage -All -Computer [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Clear-UevAppxPackage [-CurrentComputerUser] -All [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Clear-UevAppxPackage [-PackageFamilyName] <String[]> -Computer [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]


The Clear-UevAppxPackage cmdlet clears a setting in the computer or user sections of the registry that enables or disables the Microsoft User Experience

Virtualization (UE-V) synchronization of Windows???? 8 apps. If you do not specify the Computer or CurrentComputerUser parameter, the cmdlet clears the

setting for the package families for the current user.


-All <SwitchParameter>

Indicates that the cmdlet clears all of the computer or user settings for the package families that you specify.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Computer <SwitchParameter>

Indicates that the cmdlet clears the setting for package families that you specify for all users on the computer.

Required? true

Position? named

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-CurrentComputerUser [<SwitchParameter>]

Indicates that the cmdlet clears the setting for the package families that you specify for the current user on the computer.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-PackageFamilyName <String[]>

Specifies an array of names of package families. The cmdlet clears the setting for the package families of Windows 8 apps that you specify.

Required? true

Position? 1

Default value none

Accept pipeline input? True (ByPropertyName)

Accept wildcard characters? false

-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]

Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value false

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false

-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]

Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Required? false

Position? named

Default value false

Accept pipeline input? false

Accept wildcard characters? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see

about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).



Example 1: Remove Windows 8 apps

PS C:\\>Clear-UevAppxPackage -Computer -All

This command removes all Windows 8 apps from the Windows 8 app list on the computer.


Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=826036


